Dra. Heidrun Panhofer
PhD in Dance Movement Psychotherapy, Hertfordshire University, School of Psychology, England
Master en Dance Movement Therapy - DMT (Laban Centre for Movement and
Dance, London City University, England).
Diploma en Dance (St. Stiofain College, Cork, Ireland).
Graduate in Special Education (Pädagogische
Akademie, Graz, Austria).
Coordinator and lecturer at the Master and Postgraduate Degree in DMT at the Autonomous University of Barcelona - UAB (responsable for the disign of the program of this course):
Co-founder and former President of the Spanish DMT Association: Asociación Española de
Danza Movimiento Terapia (ADMTE):
Member of the International Advisory Panel of the International Journal for Theory, Research and Practice "Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy", Routledge. Author of several articles and book chapters (see bibliography) and editor of the first book on DMT in Spanish: "The body in psychotherapy: Theory and Practice of DMT" (
El Cuerpo en
Psicoterapia. Teoría y práctica de la Danza
Movimiento Terapia,
Gedisa editorial, Barcelona, 2005). Lecturer in several courses about DMT in Spain, Portugal, Italy, Germany, Austria etc.
Dance Movement Psychotherapist: in private practice in Barcelona (treatment of children, adolescens and adults), in Metáfora, Centre
d’Art Terapia, (treatment of children, adolescens and adults), in the University Clinic of Dortmund, Germany (treatment of children with behavioural difficulties
), in Acorn Lodge, childrens' department of the Maudsley Psychiatric Hospital in London,
England, in Cambridge House, school for children with behavioural difficulties in London, England, in Daleham House, day centre for clients of the psychiatric ward of
Bethlam Royal Free Hospital in London, England, in Shenstone
School for children with severe and profound learning difficulties in Crayford,
Member of the organizing committee of the First International Congress for Creative Arts Therapies in Barcelona, November 2006.
Coordinator of the organizing committee of the First Luso-Hispanic Conference of DMT in Barcelona, July 2005.Vice-President of the European Network of DMT during the transitional phase towards the European Association of DMT - AEDMT: http://www.european-dance-movementtherapy.eu/ |